The Pale Blue Dot

Imagine for a minute that you're in a bubble drifting, and floating away in the vastness of space. Distance yourself from the tangible you. Immerse yourself in total abscence of physical boundaries--no body, no possessions, no nothing. What do you see?

You probably say, "nothing". And that makes a lot of difference because you see, there's more to you than what meets the human eye. You don't believe it? You better believe it. You have a soul that dwells within you. Apart from all the horrid mortality of your existence lies a deep chamber of consciousness that only you can nurture and destroy as well.

The sad truth is, people are just too consumed with the physicality of things. How you look, what you have, what you wear, how much you're worth financially. That's all that matters. Your world revolves around your possessions and prestige, whatever it's worth.

How much do you think you're really worth? Are you worth more than a cup of coffee, or perhaps more worth than a glass of fine wine. Maybe worth more than a bunch of roses. Better yet, more worth than all losers combined. Wow, there's no comparison. I can tell you this much. You're worth more than every break of day when the sun shines on the horizon with that spectacular display of radiance and promise of a new beginning. Yes, you're worth more than nature's majestic display of grandeur and magic.

Simply put, if you look deeply into yourself, you're just as worthy as every breathing human being that walks on this planet. You know why? Because you're alive and gifted with this innate ability to think, to love, to feel pain and to endure it. You are endowed with this ability to sympathize and emphatize with a compassionate spirit. Hard as it is, you are human and you are special.

So why are you wasting away?

Let's continue our journey of immersing ourselves in an existence that is not bounded by space. Let's zoom into the limitless expanse of the universe. What do you see? Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, the Milky Way? Is there ever an end to this infinite vastness of space? Zoom further into space even more. What do you see now?

Yeah, you see the cosmos. But something else caught your attention. There's this pale blue dot, that somehow you just can't take your eyes away from.

Why does that pale blue dot look so special to you? Huh?

Hardly visible and almost just a speck of dust in that vast universe, is your place--the one you call home, your planet Earth. That's where all the drama of your mortality takes place. That's your stage. That's where you maltreat people, cheat on others, party all night long, degrade yourself morally, rot your life away. That's where your stakes are--your possessions, your wealth, your wrongdoings. That's where your precious world is all contained in, in that one pale blue dot.

Does it still feel as big as you think it is? Your fame? Your money? Your possessions? Do you still think that all that conniving, maligning, cheating, backstabbing, harrassing and maltreating others still matter just to get to where you are now?

You can give an honest answer. It's alright.

Truly, what matters in this existence is not the things that our hands can hold but the things that only our hearts can perceive.


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