Feel Good Sunday: Super Bowl XLII

Today is a major day in our household. We rallied in front of our TV set and rooted for our favorite team to win this year’s football championship game. We had a feast enough to entertain ourselves during some boring moments of the NFL, and a feast to fill our stomachs enough to drive the butterflies away brought about by the tension of watching a truly magnificent football championship game.

As we watched the pre-game show, it was obvious—everyone’s convinced that yeah, the New England Patriots are going to win the game and it’s not encouraging to see how the favor seemed to tilt towards the undefeated Patriots for a chance for history to be made by closing the season with a 19-0 record.

But we like to root for the underdogs, and so to the NY Giants we wished our good luck and our hope of hopes that they will make history by delivering the biggest upset in the game of football. And history was made, indeed.

The game was the finest sports match we’ve seen in a while bringing moments when we literally have to hold our breath as the almost impossible happens at the most unexpected moment.

The NY Giants really did a good job of rallying up against the opponent by pounding on Tom Brady with their unmatched defense. The offense’s side was a little shaky yet Manning was able to deliver the goods when the opportunity presented itself.

What a remarkable performance by the NY Giants!

For a team who managed to collect wins on the road on several occasions, the NY Giants is definitely a seasoned road warrior as a team. They’re good at what they do and tonight they are the better team against the Patriots.

I enjoyed my NFL Sunday, but I was no big fan of Tom Petty who entertained the crowd at half time. Indeed, I was convinced that the guy who annoyingly sings “Chocolate Rain” was less painful to watch than Tom Petty. Well, sorry to say that but couldn’t they find somebody else? We have an abundance of musical talents out there. Hello?

Anyway, overall I had a wonderful Sunday. The NY Rangers early on won their game against the Montreal Canadiens and to wrap up the day was the sweet victory of the NY Giants against the New England Patriots.

Unmatched. Unbelievable. Sweet!


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