My 84-Yr. Old Masseuse

Who amongst us here enjoy a good pampering every once in a while? I do. It comes in the form of a massage.

A periodic massage to the body actually helps especially during stressful times. A massage often gives you the feeling of relief and rejuvenation. I don't know why, but it must be the release of tension that really makes massaging the body such a relaxing experience.

If you have the money, you can do the massage on a regular basis. The rate could go from about P300 to P5000 depending on where you get it. You can get it locally for a cheaper price or you can get it at a more exclusive spa for a much higher price.

With me though, I get it through an old lady who visits me every two weeks and renders a body massage at a price that is left to my own discretion.

I get more than a massage though. It's like doing something for several reasons and here are a few of them:

  1. I get the massage because I like it. Surprisingly, my 84 year old masseuse has unrivaled strength even at such an old age. She can very well shake down and loosen up stiff muscles and tickle tense nerve endings.

  2. I stick with the old lady for the massage so I can also help her earn a living. Mind you, this old lady is still the bread winner in the family.

  3. Having a masseuse her age, allows me to listen to horror stories that dates back to the Japanese occupation and the second world war.

Lately though, I was thinking of getting rid of my masseuse for the reason that I feel like her age has taken a toll on her. Sometimes as she massages me, she dozes off unintentionally which I am able to ignore quite successfully.

Though I'm sure she needed the money, it's no longer pleasurable to see a really worn out old lady try so hard to combat physical limitations just so she can be employed.

But I'll make it good. I'll see if I can give her something that will help her. After all, at her age she should have been savoring already her senior years, and not working her ass off to try to make ends meet.


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