The Ugly Face Of Poverty
Tonight American Idol reached out to millions of its global audience to give back to the needy, the hungry, and the less fortunate ones. Surprisingly, some Americans especially those that come from tragedy-stricken areas are also suffering and need immediate help as well. The picture painted was more on the devastating effects of poverty. It is a realization for everyone of us that indeed no matter how much in need of help we are, still more people out there have more serious woes than we do. The hunger pangs brought about by starvation is something that you cannot ignore. Its immediate remedy cannot be postponed as well. I know what it's like to be poor and how hard it is to appreciate life when you're starving. I've been there once in the earlier part of my life, and I would never wish any of my children to go through the pains of starvation and hunger. I grew up in a family of seven. My parents were self-employed but it wasn't a secure and stable kind of self-employm...