Good Friday: How Holy It Used To Be
I remember growing up in a strict Catholic upbringing and observing holy week as some sort of purging religious experience. The celebration would culminate with the Palm Sunday procession. We used to diligently weave some artfully crafted coconut leaves that we proudly wave as a reenactment to the welcome rites they gave to Jesus Christ during biblical times. Then we proceed to celebrate Ash Wednesday by having ashes rubbed on our foreheads as a reminder of our mortality—“Remember man, you are from dust and to dust you shall return.” It is a humbling experience and a great reminder to all of us to cast aside all worldly desires, after all, we all just vanish from this material world. Then the week-long celebration of the passion of Christ would highlight the Lenten season celebration—Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, Easter Sunday. I remember our family celebrating this holy week as holy as it could be by observing penance, fast...